Etiketa honen artxiboa: biltzarra

Javier Goitia. Deia

Javier Goitia. Deia

Javier Goitia. Euskararen jatorria 7. biltzarra. Dima 2012-5-12: Euskeraren lur eta paperetako oiñatz galduak

Javier Goitia, Atlantiar paleolito nazioarteko biltzarra. Ficoba 2012-5-18

18:00 – 19:30: Solasaldi-mahaia: Peter Bakker (Aarhus Unibertsitatea), Javier Goitia (Ingeniaria eta geografoa) eta Keptin Stephen Augustine (Kanadako Zibilizazioen Museoko kidea).

Stephen Oppenheimer The origins of the British and the relevance for the Basque Country. Gares 2011-5-7

Stephen Oppenheimer The origins of the British and the relevance for the Basque Country. Gares 2011-5-7.


1/2 Stephen Oppenheimer: The origins of the British and the relevance for the Basque Country.

2/2 Stephen Oppenheimer: The origins of the British and the relevance for the Basque Country.