Etiketa honen artxiboa: anatolia

Anatoliarrak duela 10.000 urte?

Aspaldiko eztabaida artikulu berrian. 40.000 urte daramatzagu gaur egungo Euskal Herriaren inguruan ala nekazaritzaren garapenarekin batera etorri ziren Ekialde Hurbiletik (Anatolia) duela 10.000 urte gure arbasoak ? Eta gure hizkuntza euskara? John D. Bengtson hizkuntzalariak antzeko zerbait dio. Here, we compare Neolithic haplogroups and their diversity to a large database of extant European and Eurasian populations. We identified Neolithic haplotypes that left clear traces in modern populations, and the data suggest a route for the migrating farmers that extends from the Near East and Anatolia into Central Europe. When compared to indigenous hunter–gatherer populations, the unique and characteristic genetic signature of the early farmers suggests a significant demographic input from the Near East during the onset of farming in Europe.

John D. Bengtson hizkuntzalariak